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If you are in Catania, you can reach Piazza Armerina by bus operated by Interbus Etna Trasporti.
To see the timetable click here.
If you're in Palermo, you can reach Piazza Armerina by bus operated by SAIS.
To see the timetable click here.
If you are in Gela, or at Enna, Caltanissetta or you can reach Piazza Armerina by bus operated by Astra car courses.
To see the timetable click here.
If you are in Taormina you can reach Piazza Armerina, and directly the Villa Romana del Casale (the archaeological site UNESCO), via busses operated by Etna Trasporti.
To see the timetable click here.
An urban bus, line B will take you from Piazza Armerina stop in front of the villa rome hotel (via Roma) to the nearby Villa Romana del Casale (about 3 km)
return at 11.20am-4.20pm
SICILIA, PIAZZA ARMERINA - From giovedì 9 agosto 2018,
To see the timetable click here.
If you're in Palermo, you can reach Piazza Armerina by bus operated by SAIS.
To see the timetable click here.
If you are in Gela, or at Enna, Caltanissetta or you can reach Piazza Armerina by bus operated by Astra car courses.
To see the timetable click here.
If you are in Taormina you can reach Piazza Armerina, and directly the Villa Romana del Casale (the archaeological site UNESCO), via busses operated by Etna Trasporti.
To see the timetable click here.
An urban bus, line B will take you from Piazza Armerina stop in front of the villa rome hotel (via Roma) to the nearby Villa Romana del Casale (about 3 km)
return at 11.20am-4.20pm
Buses to and from Piazza Armerina
SICILIA, PIAZZA ARMERINA - From giovedì 9 agosto 2018,