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After stopping in New York, Medellin, Lisbon and Panama, the exhibition "Via Crucis.
La Pasión de Cristo" by Fernando Botero (consisting of 27 oil paintings and 34 drawings) will be housed in the Halls of the Duke of Montalto of the Royal Palace from 21 March to 21 June.
Promoted by the Regional Assembly of Sicily, Frederick II by the Foundation and the Museum of Antioquia Colombia to Palermo will be the only Italian.
EVENTI SICILIA PALERMO (From giovedì 12 marzo 2015, expired 3552 days ago)
La Pasión de Cristo" by Fernando Botero (consisting of 27 oil paintings and 34 drawings) will be housed in the Halls of the Duke of Montalto of the Royal Palace from 21 March to 21 June.
Promoted by the Regional Assembly of Sicily, Frederick II by the Foundation and the Museum of Antioquia Colombia to Palermo will be the only Italian.
Exhibition of Fernando Botero in Palermo
EVENTI SICILIA PALERMO (From giovedì 12 marzo 2015, expired 3552 days ago)