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The lawyers of the movement of citizens against the Sicilian MUOS USA installed in Niscemi clarified that: "With the decision no. 461 of 2015, the TAR of Palermo upheld the appeals filed against the installation of MUOS in Niscemi.
The Administrative Court has, in fact, said that the "revocation" of authorizations made by the Sicilian Region in March 2013, were from ualificare as cancellations in self-defense with definitive effect.
Ineffective, therefore, the subsequent withdrawal of the revocation of 24 July.
The TAR, he later rejected the appeals filed by the Ministry of Defence against these cancellations, considering that the region had ceeded well in canceling authorizations given that all appraisals esperitein during the proceedings show that the plant is a health hazard and for air traffic airports Comiso, Sigonella and Catania.
Since the cancellation operates with effect "ex tunc" as if the permissions are never came to be, the work performed by the US Navy are to be considered as abusive fully initiated and continued in the absence of authorization."
NOTIZIE SICILIA NISCEMI (From luned́ 2 marzo 2015, expired 1534 days ago)
The Administrative Court has, in fact, said that the "revocation" of authorizations made by the Sicilian Region in March 2013, were from ualificare as cancellations in self-defense with definitive effect.
Ineffective, therefore, the subsequent withdrawal of the revocation of 24 July.
The TAR, he later rejected the appeals filed by the Ministry of Defence against these cancellations, considering that the region had ceeded well in canceling authorizations given that all appraisals esperitein during the proceedings show that the plant is a health hazard and for air traffic airports Comiso, Sigonella and Catania.
Since the cancellation operates with effect "ex tunc" as if the permissions are never came to be, the work performed by the US Navy are to be considered as abusive fully initiated and continued in the absence of authorization."
The Administrative Tribunal of Palermo blocks the MUOS
NOTIZIE SICILIA NISCEMI (From luned́ 2 marzo 2015, expired 1534 days ago)